Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association Freedom Action Foundation (NRA-FAF) launched a national ad buy to educate Americans on the importance of Second Amendment rights and the role of the U.S. Supreme Court in protecting them.
The ad, “Protect Our Rights,” launched March 13, 2016 and ran through March 22, 2016 on broadcast, cable, satellite, and digital platforms across the country.
The National Rifle Association Freedom Action Foundation aims to educate Americans on the importance of their Second Amendment rights and the role that the U.S. Supreme Court has in protecting those rights, including the historic Heller and MacDonald decisions.
The National Rifle Association Freedom Action Foundation (NRA-FAF) is a tax-exempt charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that focuses on non-partisan voter registration and citizen education initiatives. Since its inception, NRA-FAF has dedicated its efforts to providing non-partisan Second Amendment education to all American citizens.